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I was reading a comment in reply to this post on DelphiExtreme, by Ken Knopfli, and I quote:

Delphi programmers tend to be old experienced hands, have seen it all before, and can see hype for what it is.

Most of us have years of experience and have developed our own way of working. A young chap here is a big fan of D/NUnit and now we have two people that do nothing but create and maintain unit tests. Uh huh.

My customers want results and don’t care if I am “behind the times".

I think it's sad and wrong to think like that. We've all used RAD tools for many years, be it Delphi, Visual Basic or Visual Studio. Used like demoware they have one fundamental flaw, they create unmaintainable solutions in more ways than one. Agile practices, among other things, are about trying to prevent that.

Unit testing is not only about testing your code in isolation. It's about regression testing. Creating unit tests allows you to test your code anytime you introduce a change, be it a bug fix, be it a new feature. Unit Testing is about documentation. It's about letting a new member of your team understand the specs of the application one step at a time. Unit test can be and many times is (TDD) about design.

Separation of concerns, single responsibility, loose coupling are not buzzwords. They are fundamental design principles that can save you in the long and short term.

In reference to Lex's comment, I'll be doing talks both at SDC and at EKon (European CodeGear) about these topics, so if you're in Europe and interested, might be worthwhile coming. In any case, these are principles that can be taught irrelevant of the language, be it Delphi, C#, Lisp or Smalltalk. It's about good object orientated programming, it's not about a platform or an environment. Let's stop being the children of the drag'n'drop era.